Special Group Booking Discounts! đźŽ‰

Bring your team along and enjoy fantastic savings on registrations:

Book 3+ passes & save 20%

Book 5+ passes & save 40%

Book 10+ passes & save 50%


*Group discounts are applied automatically at checkout

**Group discounts are not eligible on the Gov-t / NGO / Academia Package

***Please choose the correct package. Any bookings made at the wrong rate will be cancelled, refunded and asked to rebook at the correct rate.

****Attendance is for professionals in the vaccine development community. This is not a public meeting; and the Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry to any registrations.

Choose your package

Prices shown below do not include any possible taxes that may be relevant

Federal Government/ NGO/ Academic Package


Ticket includes:

  • Conference Sessions (April 22-24, 2025)​
  • Workshops (April 21, 2025)​
  • Partnering App​
  • Exhibition Access​
  • *No Food & Beverage is provided but there are Catering Cafes in the Exhibition Hall

Pharma/ Biotech Package

Pharmaceutical & SME Biotech Companies Only



Book before 07 March saving $690


Bring your whole team and get an amazing discount



Book a group of 3+ before 07 March saving $1,010 per person

Ticket includes:

  • Conference Sessions (April 22-24, 2025)​
  • Workshops (April 21, 2025)​
  • Partnering App​
  • Exhibition Access​
  • *No Food & Beverage is provided but there are Catering Cafes in the Exhibition Hall
  • **This is only for Pharmaceutical & Biotech's that develop vaccines and do NOT provide any service (including outsourcing of platforms, adjuvants, GMP manufacturing etc)

Standard Package​

CROs, CMOs, Clinical Trial Sites/Networks, Equipment/Tech providers, Consultants and general service providers



Book before 07 March saving $1,350


Bring your whole team and get an amazing discount



Book a group of 3+ before 07 March saving $1,980 per person

Ticket includes:

  • Conference Sessions (April 22-24, 2025)​
  • Workshops (April 21, 2025)​
  • Partnering App​
  • Exhibition Access​
  • *No Food & Beverage is provided but there are Catering Cafes in the Exhibition Hall