Special Group Booking Discounts!
Bring your team along and enjoy fantastic savings on registrations:
Book 3+ passes &
save 25%
Book 5+ passes &
save 30%
Book 10+ passes &
save 50%
* Group discounts are applied automatically at checkout
Choose your package
Prices shown below do not include any possible taxes that may be relevant
Product/Service/Solution Providers, Technologies, Consultants
Book before 28 February saving €1,600
Ticket includes:
- Ticket includes:
- Full 3 day access to conference
- Complimentary evening drinks reception and nibbles on-site
*Food and lunch not included
3 Day Pass Pharma, Academic/Health System
Subject to approval
- Ticket includes:
- Full 3 day access to conference
- Complimentary evening drinks reception and nibbles
*Food and lunch not included
Ticket includes:
- 1m2 pod stand
3 full access passes
Branding and marketing
Poster presentation
Access to our event networking app
10 minute pitch - Start-Up Plus Package only