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Booking summary

Academic Package
Dr Paul-Michael Agapow,
Savings made by booking today

Payment received, with thanks

Event registration terms & conditions

1. Upon registration all invoiced sums, including applicable taxes, are payable in full by the delegate to Terrapinn.

2. Should, for any reason, a delegate be unable to attend the event then a substitute delegate is welcome at no extra charge. Please contact the relevant Terrapinn office for information on how to do this.

3. Except under circumstances in clause 6 if the event is cancelled by Terrapinn then, if requested by the delegate, the registration fee will be refunded. This clause does not apply if the event is postponed to a later date.

4. Terrapinn will makes its best endeavours to run the event per the published programme. It does reserve the right to alter the programme without notice including the substitution, alteration or cancellation of speakers, topics or the alteration of the event dates or opening times. Additionally Terrapinn may, as applicable, alter the venue in which the event is based or the technology platform used to host it.

5. Terrapinn is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of a substitution, alteration, postponement or cancellation of an event.

6. If Terrapinn is prevented or delayed in performing its obligations due to circumstances outside of its reasonable control ("Force Majeure") it shall have no liability in respect of the performance of such obligations as are prevented by such circumstances. Terrapinn may, but is not obliged to, agree to offer to run the event in a different format or dates or provide alternative services for the delegate. If an event is cancelled or postponed under this clause no refunds will be made.

7. Terrapinn will manage the delegate's data per its privacy policy.

8. Terrapinn will not accept any registration(s) where the proposed delegate(s) and/or their employer(s) are located in a region prohibited by the Terrapinn's sanctions policy or where such registration is not in compliance with Terrapinn's anti-money laundering and anti-financial crime policy.